Solar Gymnasium No. 18
in Kazakhstan
On 2 September 2022, the opening ceremony of the "Solar School" at "Gymnasium No. 18" was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The Gymnasium officially became the next "Solar School" in Kazakhstan, thanks to which the pupils of the school can now learn about the principles of solar energy in a practical and tangible way.

The school has been equipped with 4 polycrystalline photovoltaic modules with a total capacity of 1kW, an accumulator, an inverter and other components of the photovoltaic autonomous system. The equipment was installed in the physics classroom in order to better integrate basic knowledge about photovoltaic energy into the learning process. Three experimental solar suitcases for use in physics were handed over to the school.
The opening event was attended by Mr. Mario Schönfeld, coordinator/moderator of ZfA in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Wolfgang Faust, head of the cultural department of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Christoph Urbschat, General Director of the ideas into energy gGmbH and the eclareon GmbH and Mr. Wolrad Rommel, president of the German-Kazakh University (DKU).

The Solar Schools project is a project of the non-profit organisation ideas into energy gGmbH and the consulting company eclareon GmbH from Germany and is part of the project "Enabling PV, Solar Schools and Solar Universities in Central Asia and the Caucasus". The Solar Schools project offers students a unique opportunity to become an engine for progress, to contribute to modern technology and nature conservation, and to become part of the global movement for a clean future, green energy and sustainable development.